Our curriculum is place based and student led. Our outdoor classroom straddles a garden and wooded forest. We hope to guide children into a relationship with nature teaching them stewardship and respect for the land while letting the lesson arise from an immersive learning environment. While we don’t follow a strict daily schedule, we follow natural rhythms to give our students a sense of familiarity and autonomy. We know the physical impact humans can have on the land and for this reason we keep our class size small. We incorporate elders into our program by hosting guest teachers to lead lessons in wool spinning, natural dying, art lessons, wilderness studies and more.
We serve ages 3 - 6 and operate September through May. School days are from 8am to 2pm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday with optional Friday care. (see Friday field trip page for more info)
We are located in Kingston Springs off of HWY 70.
Daily Rhythm:
7:45-8:15am Drop Off
8:15 Morning tasks and settling in (i.e. personal belongings put away, fill water pitcher, collecting firewood, prep morning snack)
9:00am Circle time/ intention setting for the day / weather mapping
9:30am Snack and open play
11:30am Lunch
12:00-12:45 pm Quiet time/ nap optional
12:45-1:45 pm Story time and material learning
1:45-2:15 pm Pick Up
For those of you who are new to the idea of forest school, we operate outdoors year round. By observing children's play in the forest, we see how the natural world can evoke powerful questions of wonder and stimulate elaborate and imaginative thinking. We know that many children spend a great deal of time inside, or inactive, and forest school offers a different approach to learning. This exploration provides opportunities for children to experiment with risk assessment. We have shelter and keep our bodies safe and comfortable by dressing accordingly. During the winter months we keep a fire to have access to warmth, cooking, and to allow students to feel active like participants in their community. This exercise is an example of how one skill can branch out to cover a multitude of disciplines. We trust children and believe they are more capable than some adults often perceive.
The tuition is $700/month. We have written a handbook that covers these topics in more depth along with other important information. If you are interested in applying to our program please read the handbook and fill out an application.