Maypop Forest School Enrollment
We serve ages 3 - 6+
September through May.
9 am to 2 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Welcome to our forest play school, where we embrace a wall-less classroom and serve families as an enrichment program!
Maypop Forest School is a year round outdoor based program in Kingston Springs, TN. By centering our children into a relationship with nature, teaching them stewardship and respect for the land, our lessons naturally arise from an immersive learning environment. In our program our students are supported in their social emotional learning, critical thinking, and creativity through open ended play and place based materials. We learn collaboratively through inquiry, exploration and wonder.
Our program is designed to invite young children to immerse themselves in nature, stimulate curiosity, and foster compassion and empathy for all living beings. We focus on nurturing the whole-child, giving them agency in their learning so they may thrive with a sense of belonging and purpose in our ever changing world.
While we don’t follow a strict schedule, we follow the natural rhythms of our students
Daily Rhythm:
9:00 am Drop Off
9:15 am Morning tasks and settling in (i.e. personal belongings put away, fill water pitcher, collecting firewood, prep morning snack)
9:30 am Circle time/ intention setting for the day / weather mapping
10:30 am Snack and open play
11:30 am Lunch
12:00-12:45 pm Quiet time/ nature journaling
12:45-1:45 pm Story time and material learning
2:00 pm Pick Up
Tuition: $700/month
Location: 1114 A US 70, Kingston Springs, TN 37082
We know the physical impact humans can have on the land and for this reason we keep our class size small. Limited spaces are available.